So I kinda grew up on the Internet. I have a goofy sense of humor. As such, I have a special fondness for the art of YouTube Poop. Not only do I find YTPs funny, I consider them a legitimate anti-corporate countercultural art form. This page is where I'll list a few of my favorites.

Please note that most of these entries are at least a little crass, some more than others. Because of its origins in Web1 culture, YouTube Poop-- specifically the older stuff-- can sometimes be thorny, be it in terms of sex jokes or poor taste. I don't want to gloss over the uglier side of things. But I still think many of these are worth remembering, even remembering fondly. Proceed with caution.

The Classics

If you're not well-versed in YouTube Poop already, consider this something of a starter pack.

Personal Favorites