Why Magic?
Some of you, if you picked up on my disdain for the kind of commercialized & superficial "witchiness" that was trending in the late 2010s, might have raised your eyebrows. "But Mika," you may ask me, "if you dislike it that much, what do you like about magic?" Well, at the risk of rambling, I'll tell you my reasons here.

First of all, I never really grew out of my "weird kid" phase. That phase I had where I felt the need to spiritualize basically everything, especially the natural world. You might've had this phase yourself. I gobbled up all the mythology I could find: ghosts, the Fae, and Greek myth were a few examples. I was even fascinated by New Agey stuff, and could've gotten roped into the more negative aspects of that subculture if my parents weren't skeptics.
As a grown-up, I've gotten less gullible, but I keep that flame of childlike wonder alive in part through research & practice.

Second, modern occultism draws from an extremely rich well. I'm not an expert on the history of the occult by any means; the deeper you go, the more convoluted it gets, and the less you feel like you understand. There's alchemy, there's the Theosophists, there's Hermeticism and Gnosticism and the many variations thereof... I'm less scratching the surface and more gently brushing across it. But damn if that doesn't make it all deeply fascinating to me.

The third reason is the copy of Wizardology I had as a kid.